søndag 25. mai 2008

Lost in Translation... ;-)

Now it's possible to translate the whole blog content into a foreign language by using the Google Oversetter (translator) on the left hand side of the blog. Obviously it's not perfect... So keep in mind...

stoff = fabric (not drugs, nor substance)
broderi = embroidery
quiltebøker = quilting books

...and I'll keep adding to this list whenever I discover some really crude translations...

And if you believe it or not, this is a duck. I've had lots of fun with my new camera these days. ;-)

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

One duck?... or two ducks?... A Mallard, I know but, where does it start and end? Two passionate ducks?

Hege LH sa...

"The illusionist" is one duck only, bending his head backwords. It's for real! :-)

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